The season of the senior.... beginning in the heat of summer and leading us through fall and into winter, we create art... that displays what a complex and beautiful time in life this high schooler is working through. Can you think of time in life that is more frightening yet exhilarating, fast paced yet standing on the edge, looking forward to yet afraid to take the first step. A senior's choices (and they are keenly aware of this) has the ability to change the rest of their life for the great or insignificant. We use our portraits to show our senior what they can be, who they can become, that they can take their future as far as they want to. We look at every senior as an individual about to jump into life in their own unique and distinct way. So actually what we do is easy, a senior is already at such and astounding point in life akin to no other, that all we have to do is discover who they are and reflect that.
Amber was the winner of our "Senior According to Pinterest Challenge"! Her creativity in this challenge inspired us and we could not wait to do her photo shoot! Her shoot encompassed 2 days, many outfits, and countless locations where we incorporated her many wonderful ideas. Anything from vintage to fun in the sun with balloons!
Amber has an amazingly fun vivacious personality that was sooooo much fun to capture. By the time we had finished her photo shoot, we were all chatting away and giggling like we had known each other for years!
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